Stanley's Auto Detail

Stanley's Auto Detail
If your car is not becoming to you, come to me!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Offering my services!

Hello there!

I'm offering my services to anyone who wants to have their car detailed. Spring is here and people are out driving and enjoying the wonderful weather. Also, many like to drive a clean car or have "spring cleaning" done to their interiors and a new layer of wax on the exterior so the paint's protected and shiny through the summer!

I'm the only one detailing the cars and so from experience and skill, I've calculated a of charge $20 an hour since this will take into account the time to do what you want me to do. The dirtier a car is, the more time it will take, so the hourly charge makes sense at this point rather than charging per job. Newer cars are easier to clean and will cost less and subsequent cleanings will also keep the costs down. Older, dirtier cars take more time and then likewise, as I've mentioned, subsequent cleanings will also keep future costs down.

Here's what you can expect from me:

Interior cleaning - wipe down all vinyl/plastic surfaces with vinyl protectant, all leather with leather cleaner/conditioner, brush all hard to reach areas to remove most dust, vacuum the crevices to the best of my ability to remove crumbs, dirt, fries, pennies (I try to save coins, I promise), and straw wrappers. Carpets, a light cleaning with carpet cleaner and removal of spots to the best of my ability. Light colored interiors tend to show more than dark interiors. Clean windows, mirror, sunroof.

Exterior cleaning - wash body, bug and tar removal, brush fender wells, tire and wheel wash, detail, and coat with protectant/shine. Clean all windows. At request, will hand wax the car and additionally, if so desired, will clay the car. Claying removes all contaminants (unseen and seen) before waxing and applying sealant. This needs done only once or twice a year and it takes more time and charges will be higher.

I have a tire/wheel kit that deep cleans the tires and wheels, including the brake calipers and rotors behind the wheel. Older wheels and wheels not kept consistently clean in the past, those will be harder to clean, so let me know if you want more or less detail, especially behind the spokes. A tire shine will be applied lightly and a wheel protectant will also be applied.

Let me know of any special requests.

I will try to come up with specials. Example, drive by for a quick wash/dry for $15. Think Mike's/Crew's prices but with a hand touch, not mechanical brush which cause damage from time to time and do not get all dirt. But indeed, more time will be needed. You're welcome to help me or wait on the sidelines. :) 

Here below is damage by a car wash...OUCH! Link to story: BMW 640i damaged by car wash

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